Women's Work
Fiona is committed to supporting the empowerment of women
Her background as mother, health visitor, midwife and shamanic practitioner has given her a great deal of experience and unique outlook on the issues which impact women, particularly mothers.
Fiona holds individual sessions, women's journeying groups, women's retreats, moon group and moon retreats.
We are in a time of collective and personal disconnect from what nourishes and inspires us - the source of life. The systems, within which we are all deeply woven, collude to keep us dis-connected with false promises that leave us empty and wanting, anxious, depressed and isolated.
This work aims to bring us back to a sense of belonging and connection which is essential for health and well being.
This is a Journey of re-membering - our authentic voice and expression, re-membering lost and abandoned parts of ourselves.
It is both a personal and transpersonal work of soul recovery, healing and empowerment. It is a journey of grief, sorrow, rage, despair, beauty, creativity, joy, peace, forgiveness, and acceptance.

Women's Work Offerings
Fiona offers three pathways for Women's Work:

The Journeying Group
We are in a time of collective and personal disconnect. The systems, within which we are all deeply woven, collude to keep us isolated with false promises that leave us empty, anxious and depressed.
This is a journey of remembering our authentic voice and the abandoned parts of ourselves we might have lost touch with. It is both a personal and transpersonal work of soul recovery, healing and empowerment. It is a journey that can hold grief, sorrow, rage, despair, beauty, creativity, joy, peace, forgiveness, and acceptance.
The women's journeying group has a one-year cycle, but can also progress to two years for those who want to go deeper into the work. It is a closed group of no more than 8 which allows for deep interaction, intimacy and sharing.
The purpose of the group is to open more fully to inner knowing of the higher self, and all that guides and supports us. Together we will develop and imbed tools which can help us to be emotionally fluid and resilient, to bring healing to aspects of ourselves that prevent us from feeling connected. This is a journey to support our desire to live fully and authentically.
Often, we think that we are being authentic, but we know that there is something missing. As we journey into these feelings there are many valid reasons that we have learnt to hide, protect, shut ourselves down or defend ourselves. This can leave us with a feeling of being disconnected. These behaviours become outdated in time, and can get in the way of our connection to the source of life, and to our capacity to have truly meaningful relationships with all beings.
In order to access some of these wounded places, and the stories we carry, safety is paramount. The journey and the energy of the group provides the possibility of experiencing how it is to be held, and truly witnessed, sometimes for the first time. Through practices and tools, we learn to embody that holding and witnessing for ourselves.
As a part of that journey, we are inevitably confronted with all that contradicts our highest expression - the places of hurt, anger, rage, grief, despair, longing, abandonment, loss, and all that makes us human. It is not our purpose to get rid of these places, but to befriend, witness and eventually learn to hold ourselves fully, so that we are in an empowered place, at the centre of our being, co-creating our own lives.
In the group we use shamanic tools: journeying, ceremony, movement and questing as well as processing tools. It is deep soul work, and a mixture and culmination of all that Fiona has used and worked with in her own life.
Format for the year
You will have an individual session and a group meeting once a month. Over the year the group meetings will include one fire ceremony, and a 'night out' questing on the land.
Monthly 1:1 Session
Monthly Group Session
Fire Ceremony
Night Quest
"How does the mighty tree become all that it is?
The buzzard as it circles in the crystal blue.
Thank you for seeing the fullness and beauty in all of us and
Calling it forth tenderly, fiercely, again and again.
Nothing too big or too small,
Tracing the waymarkers,
Stalking the storylines,
Travelling far through time and other realms
And remaining firmly, mundanely and sacredly planted
In the messy raw perfection of
Blood, bone, breath and tears.
You have held our fire and prayers
Carried the thread of home and love
Dancing with us along the tidelines of agony, heartache, the sweet wash of love
Carrying the cold water of a deep, sea baptism
The grief songs
The mystery songs,
The tragic and triumphant songs of survival.
Thank you for all that you are.
I pray that you always feel held by the greatest love,
And I pray for this work
That woven keep unlocking themselves, ever more allowing the flow of feeling
Of experiencing
Of healing what was and what is,
Weaving a future of heart and wisdom."
Elizabeth Crawford

Upcoming Dates
Saturday 22nd February
Saturday 15th March
Saturday 19th April
Saturday 3rd May
Saturday 14th June
Saturday 19th July - Fire ceremony
Saturday August 23rd - Night quest
Saturday 27th September
Saturday 25th October
Saturday 22nd November
Saturday 13th December
Saturday 10th January

Financial Contribution
This can be paid in full in advance, or monthly.
£200.00 per calendar month which covers a one-to-one session with Fiona and one group day.
Or you can pay for the year in full at a discounted rate of:
(By joining the group you commit to paying for a group and a session per month, even if for whatever reason you have to miss a group or session).
Women’s Temescal Journey
Journey of the Red thread
Retrieving, reseeding, relearning and restoring with stone, water, earth and fire. Sweat Lodges of remembering the red thread of blood rites of passage and feeling what needs healing.
Walking the wild ancient lands, with the footsteps of ancestral grandmothers beneath us. Retelling our stories with ritual, witnessed by river, winged ones, stone and bone.
Returning to the grandmother lodge with gratitude and renewed intent.
This four-part temescal journey in the lodge meets each archetypal initiation of a woman’s life: birth, menarche, mothering (of all things, not just of children) and cronehood. At each gateway the invitation is to meet your relationship to that part of yourself and clear the stories around relational wounding.
This journey ends in a walk across Dartmoor to retrieve lost parts and seed the new, with song, ritual and movement.

German Circles
For many years, Fiona has been travelling to Germany to create circles and community.
She began her teachings and work with women’s circles which soon expanded into family circles, using drum journey, sweat lodge and ceremony.
Those journeys laid the foundation of strong community, which is now long-standing and deeply knitted together. The work continues there when Fiona returns to the UK and welcomes any who are feeling called to work in this way and be held by a spirit family in Germany.
This community is woven into the UK community through participation in thew Vision quest.

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