Sacred Fire of Itzachilatlan
Dartmoor Vision Quest
May 24th - June 1st 2025
Fully Booked - Register Interest for 2026 below

This coming summer, May 2025, Fiona and the family of this fire will hold the fourth year of Dartmoor Vision Quest prayer to be lifted up in this tradition on this land.
A Vision Quest is a beautiful collaboration, and a powerful and healing experience for both questers and supporters. A quest is a time to look deeply within yourself for clarity and guidance, a chance to be in sweet solitude with the stars, the wind, the earth and the birds.
It is a strong initiation that can bring you to your edges and to the source of spirit within. It is a gift of returning to the open heart of the wild, the land’s out-stretched hand calling you to be in connection with all beings.
We are ready as a family and community to make this powerful vessel of purpose and prayer together. We give gratitude for all of your support and for the instructions we have received from Aurelio Diaz Tekpankalli and Carmen Viciente, that bring us to this moment.
The questers will be planted amongst their prayers on the land, where they will fast and pray for four days and four nights in silence.
The supporters tend the Sacred Fire night and day, sing to the questers morning and evening, and offer actions in service to support the wellbeing of the questers.
We come to the quest to pray, and this first year, we face the door of the East.
We make prayers from red cloth representing this direction. This is the place where we greet the new day and the rising sun. We come to the mystery understanding how little we know, and so we pray for Humility.
In the second year we look to the South door, represented by the colour yellow. In this direction we pray for the blessings of the medicines of Mother Earth. Our purpose is to pray for Willingness.
The third year, we look to the door of the West, represented by the colour black.
At this door we face mystery, and power; and we consider all that we still do not understand. Our purpose is Sincerity.
The fourth year we look to the door of the North, represented by the colour white. We pray for light and clarity with the purpose of INTEGRITY. This is the year of integrating our prayers, instructions and teachings for the continuity of our purpose and walk on the Earth.

Sharing below the words of our Chief Aurelio Diaz Tepankalli;
‘Making the call, the invocation to the 4 directions, to the heart of sky, to the Great Spirit, to the great mystery, to the heart of the mother Earth, to the giver of life, to the great mother of the universe Koatlikue and to all the gods.
The purpose; our true nature, to be the sum of multiple tribes, nations, peoples who speak different languages. Those are the 4 colours of the four races.
Raising the prayer to our true nature in the universal, cosmic understanding.
Honouring the ancestral legacy, memory and recognizing our sacred lineage.
Obeying the ancestral mandate of the Confederation of the Condor and the Eagle. Recapturing, to reactivate the original memory.
Celebrating the moment in which we recognize ourselves within the legitimate and natural right of the relationship, we are all interconnected, we all have the same origin and the same present and also the same future.
For the love and respect of those who came before us, that resolved to bequeath their knowledge, their wisdom, the instructions.
How do we want it? How is it that we want our children and 7 future generations also to receive, inherit it, free of all types of impurities? We ask for the best; health, happiness, that they live well.
That we can return to the truth, to the centre, to the point of creation, concur and agree to somehow stop the disease, the imbalance.
Doing the work in clarity, transparency, cleanliness and consistency.
With humility, sincerity, will and integrity to be useful, to be of benefit.
To strengthen and nourish ourselves in the opportunity to once again place our own truth, here, in the centre, and together in our time return to the direction of all directions.
To ensure the instruction, education for our children and the children of our children. How is it that our people will once again take back, retake the greatness of the spirit of our ancestors.
We recognize and thank all those who preceded us, honouring the ancestral mandate that it all be in better condition for future generations.
Thanking you, in advance, for taking the decision and celebrating together, the blessings of the magic of the sacraments, which are the perfection of the spirit, the power of mystery.'
Aurelio Diaz Tekpankalli - Principal Authority Sacred Fire of Itzachilatlan
The cost is £800 for one person and £1300 for families with young children.
Children aged 6-10 years -£75, and
We are taking deposits of £300 per person to secure your place.
Final payment in full by 1st April 2025
Aho Mitakuye Oyasin
With all my love and respect,
Fiona Shaw
(Vision Quest leader and Medicine Woman) and the core team.

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